We may get into the thick of a few heated discussions (the subject of health insurance tends to do that sometimes!) and that’s okay. These discussions often entail topics that we all personally care a lot about and will passionately defend. But in order for discussions to thrive here, we need to remember if you feel criticism is necessary then comments about the content and ideas, not the people who wrote them.
When in doubt, remember to follow the golden rule!
We won't allow:
• name-calling
• ad hominem attacks
• Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
• knee-jerk contradiction
Comments that we find to be hateful, inflammatory, or harassing will be removed. If you don’t have something nice to say about another user, don't say it. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated.
We ask you to add value to every interaction and discussion you participate in
If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
Keep it squeaky clean
• Please Stay On-topic
• No Self-promotion
• Choose Your (Curse) Words Wisely
• Always Be Nice
• Don’t Copy and Paste
All written material contained in this blog is original (unless there's a reference or link offered to another's website), so please remember that copyright rules apply.
You are free to share this material as long as attribution is given, and a link is shared from it's original post from my website.
• English Only
Keep It Civil aka Be Kind(on my blog page)