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By Lisa Dailey March 30, 2023
Healthcare expenses can be unpredictable and overwhelming, especially when unexpected bills arrive for services that you thought were covered by your insurance plan. Fortunately, new regulations have been put in place to help protect patients from surprise medical bills. What is a surprise medical bill? A surprise medical bill is a bill you receive from a healthcare provider for services that you thought were covered by your insurance plan. This can happen when you receive care from an out-of-network provider, or when an out-of-network provider is involved in your care at an in-network facility. How can you protect yourself against surprise medical bills? Thanks to new regulations from the federal government, you have certain rights when it comes to surprise medical bills. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself: · Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with the regulations that protect patients from surprise medical bills. You can learn more about these regulations on the CMS website. · Check your provider network: Make sure the healthcare providers you see are in your insurance plan's network. If you need to see an out-of-network provider, try to get an estimate of the costs before receiving care. · Understand your insurance plan: Take the time to read and understand your insurance plan's coverage and benefits. This can help you avoid unexpected expenses and make informed decisions about your healthcare. · Advocate for yourself: If you receive a surprise medical bill, don't be afraid to speak up. Contact your insurance company or healthcare provider to dispute the charges and assert your rights. · Reach out to your Broker: Allow your broker to be an advocate on your behalf. They have relationships and the experience necessary to help guide you when working with your insurance company and when communicating with your provider's billing staff. One example of a situation where the surprise billing act would be enacted is when a patient is admitted to an out-of-network emergency room and then is admitted as an in-patient without prior authorization. In this case, the surprise billing act would protect the patient from being charged excessive fees for out-of-network care. The No Surprises Act, which was signed into law on December 27, 2020, is a federal law that protects patients from surprise medical bills. The bill was part of a larger spending package, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. To see the official verbiage of the original passed bill, you can visit the website and search for HR 133. In conclusion, we know that unexpected medical bills happen and can be a source of stress and financial strain for patients. However, with the new regulations in place and by taking proactive steps to protect yourself, you can avoid surprise medical bills and receive the care you need without unexpected expenses. Learn more about this protection here:
By Lisa Dailey January 16, 2020
On June 24, 2019 President Trump issued Executive Order 13877, Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First. Final Rule CMS-1717-F2 will be made effective 1-1-2021. I hope all Americans understand the value of what's taking place here. MENU If you eat at your favorite restaurant, buy a beverage at the coffee shop, or go grocery shopping, you have the opportunity to look at a menu, compare and shop for the best prices. This is what drives free market and makes competition such a stabilizing factor in an economy. COMPETITION Not only is competition a stabilizer, it also generates accountability. Offering the consumer the ability to scrutinize a product or service automatically calls the provider to a higher standard, and lessens the potential for price gouging or other deceptive practices. Transparency shines a light where there once might have been an environment ripe for fraud and abuse. CREATIVITY Also, the element of creativity can thrive when it finds expression in a competitive arena. It's restored when a product or service is found to be superior, when being compared to something else. One size fits all is no longer at play; truly a beautiful thing. The old saying, "different strokes for different folks" is gratifying to all styles, income levels, and needs. There will be an uprising of health insurance plans that will cater to all, and satisfy the longing for consumers to choose from a wide variety of benefits and premiums. INTEGRITY Integrity among our professional health service providers will be revealed with the type of scrutiny needed under the CMS Rule 1717-F2 . If integrity isn't found in our hospitals, doctors offices, other health providers, or health related governmental agencies, than why should there be any continued reward for the system of greed and lack of transparency they current operate under? On the other hand, if integrity is found and is an integral part of a provider's current practice, they should effortlessly be rewarded by their transparency and become an attractive option for consumers. "BAD" LEGISLATION The proposed Medicare For All plan is a breeding ground for ethical "bacteria", as was the "Affordable Care Act" an epic disaster! Health transparency and organic demand for quality services at a reasonable price, will resurrect competition and level the playing field, like never before. PUBLIC AWARENESS I'm writing this article to bring public awareness to the positive step this piece of legislation will bring to our healthcare system. It will go a long way to replace current ineffective financial practices we as a nation have experienced in healthcare. Our current system that panders to secret prices for health services and back door deals, has gone on far too long. If this is only the first step in a healthcare revolution, there must be more excitement right around the corner! SUPPORT FREE MARKET I'd encourage you to support free market, competition, and the call for our health care providers to rise up to the highest ethical financial standard possible. This will ensure a healthy, robust, and secure healthcare system that will soar beyond what it's been in the past. It will protect the patient and ensure that YOU are not paying for everyone else's healthcare through the income taxes you pay via an inefficient and government-run system. It will ensure that you have healthy options to choose from; all the way from your insurance plan choices, premiums and the hospital you select based on fair prices and excellent quality. So, what are your thoughts? Isn't it encouraging to know that there exists an authentic and natural way to drive down costs? Reference:
What Value Does a Broker Add to Your Health Insurance Experience - Lisa Dailey Insurance Services
By Lisa Dailey September 22, 2019
If you've ever wondered what role a broker plays between you and your insurance company, you've landed in the right place! Brokers play a vital role in being a bridge - a liaison - a connector - an advocate between you and your insurance company. The experience you will have with a broker will depend upon the relationships and skills they've developed during the course of their career. If you're in relationship with a broker who has a broad understanding of the inner workings of insurance and how it works behind the scenes, you are very lucky indeed! It's a false assumption to believe that health insurance broker's sole task is to help initiate a brand new policy. That's only where it begins! They are responsible to provide ongoing service to you and be your personal advocate throughout the life of your policy, and any future policies. In other words, continuity of relationship over time is worth its weight in gold! Brokers are licensed and knowledgeable about laws and regulations that govern the industry, both on a state and federal level. They are required to complete continuing education on a regular basis. Brokers have an entire team assembled at your insurance company, who work hand-in-hand, to support your needs. Teamwork between brokers and insurance staff, ensures you're getting the focused attention you rightly deserve. If you have claims or billing problems that are not satisfactorily being handled, your broker can take a closer look at the obstacles that are preventing it from being resolved. How it's handled depends on whether it's a personal issue, or your company's issue. But, whatever level of care you need, your broker will guide you to the steps it takes to find a solution. Insurance company's generally love their appointed brokers! They know that their policyholders will receive an even greater experience in administering their policy. Brokers are familiar with the various benefit plan options and educate you on how they work. It's their job to listen to you and pair you with a policy or provider network that meets your personal, or your company's needs. This, by no means, is an exhaustive list. The benefits of having your own personal advocate; an insurance broker who is familiar with your life's circumstances, and is actively watching out for you, can make the difference between frustration, and a truly satisfying experience! Best of all, you are never billed for the services your broker provides. There is no cost to you, and no adverse impact to the premiums you pay since premiums are built with or without a broker's involvement. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, and if you are a large employer, there is flexibility in how compensation is handled. Watch for new conversations, where I specifically discuss how brokers are paid! So, what are your experiences with a broker? Have you found them to be helpful? Is there a benefit you've received by this type of relationship not mentioned in this article? Your comments are welcome below.
Is Your Health Insurance Policy Working For You? 12 Things to Ask Yourself in Shopping for a NewPlan
By Lisa Dailey September 17, 2019
When it comes time to shop for a new health insurance plan, or evaluate your current one, asking the following questions gives you the confidence you need to make a decision that ultimately serves you best. Pro-actively asking these questions will increase your chance of happiness in living with the policy you ultimately choose. The following questions are guidelines that help measure the elements of a policy and can reveal the things that are most important to you when it comes decision time! Waiting until the last minute to make a choice can cause un-do stress, so let's dive right in! ► 1) Is it easy to see the healthcare provider of my choice? When the Affordable Care Act was rolled out in 2010, it created uniformity among health insurers and eliminated some of the creativity within their product offerings. What came to the forefront, was the insurance company's ability to be distinctive, and in some cases, exclusive with the provider network's they offer. If a provider or a specific health care delivery system is important to you, you can narrow down your choice of plans by first checking to see if your doctor and/or hospital is on their in-network list. Insurance carriers always provide a search function on their website with their most recent list of providers. Also, placing a phone call your doctor's billing office directly is the absolute best way to find out if they're actively a part of the network you're considering, and plan to be in the near future. ► 2) Am I willing to enroll in a plan that covers services performed by in-network providers only? Some plans are offered at lower premiums because they contract with a specific group of providers. These are typically called HMO (Health Maintenance Organizations) or EPO (Exclusive Provider Organizations) plans. These providers agree to contract with the insurance company by limiting what they can charge for services. This allows the insurance company to lower premiums because they are controlling the cost of services, and therefore, their risk of lost. ► 2) Do I thoroughly understand how a claim is handled if I visit a provider that is out-of-network? There is no surprise worse than finding out that you've incurred a claim with services performed by an out-of-network provider! When choosing a plan, it's important to understand that you will be responsible for cost of services when stepping outside of the contract guidelines of your policy. If you knowingly or un-knowingly use the services of an out of network provider, learning how your carrier handles out of network claims - in advance - could save you thousands of dollars. ► 4) To enroll in a plan with a lower premium, am I willing to change to a new doctor? It's never easy having to consider changing your healthcare provider, especially when the relationship has a history spanning many years. At the same time, financial concerns such as budgeting for your monthly premium, may need to take priority if it's the only policy you can reasonable afford. Working with a professional agent may help take the sting out of this decision, especially if they offer solutions you may not be able to find on your own. ► 5) Can I afford the policy I have? Bottom line to any choice you make in life is, can I afford it? If you are in the individual market (vs. employer group market), it's important to understand that you only have the ability to access a new insurance plan one time each year at the annual open enrollment period. Of course there are exceptions to this rule as you may have a special qualifying event. But, for the purpose of this writing, you'll want to make sure you're comfortable with the premium so you'll keep it active for a specified amount of time. ► 6) Am I eligible to receive a subsidy through Financially, there are three ways to access your individual health insurance policy: A) You may go directly to an insurance company and enroll. B) You may go to to apply and see if you qualify for a premium subsidy. If so, you may shop for specific plans offered to those who access it through the marketplace, aka SHOP. C) After applying through, you may find that you qualify for your state's Medicaid health plan, in which case you would not have to pay a premium for your coverage. ► 7) Am I comfortable with the cost sharing portion of my policy, which includes deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and the annual out-of-pocket maximum? Plans offer various combinations of the following four basic components. Knowing the amount for each one, plus understanding its function goes a long way toward being comfortable with your choice of plans. A) Your annual deductible amount B) Specific co-pays for specific services C) Your co-insurance percentage D) The maximum out-of-pocket amount you will pay for covered services each year. ► 7) Am I willing to lower my benefits so that I can more easily afford the policy and keep it active? Compromise is never easy when it comes to the important decisions in our everyday lives. It's no secret that health insurance premiums are higher than ever, so it's important to position your thinking around flexibility when assessing your true needs and wants. Deciding what's most important first (need), then building your list of wants helps zero in on the best plan to pursue. ► 9) Do each of my family member have different needs? Not all family members have the same healthcare needs. You might wish to consider enrolling in different policies if it makes sense to do so. Of course, there's criteria to consider if you've qualified for a subsidy, are enrolling in a health savings account, or you have a large family and want to keep the out of pocket maximums limited under one policy. ► 10) Is my health insurance company responsive to me? Is my insurance carrier easy to communicate with? In the past, have they handled my issues or complaints in a timely manner? Asking these questions determine your level of trust in your current carrier. As with any other business, a company earns the right to be trusted, and when the rubber meets the road, customer service may make the difference in how you value of your insurance policy. ► 11) Does my health insurance company provide value-added benefits that are beneficial to me? Does your insurance company offer extra perks such as discount memberships for vision services, fitness programs, smoking cessation, and a 24 hours nursing line? These are some of the value added benefits offered by carriers. Do they offer free video doctor visits? Do they offer you a mobile app to set appointments and access replacement copies of your ID cards? Look for these and other programs they offer to make your busy life easier. ► 12) How important are alternative care providers and benefits to me? If natural medicine is important to you, seek a health plan that builds in alternative care visits such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage services. When it comes time to review your current plan, or you're newly entering the world of health insurance, consider keeping this list handy! Please let me know if this has helped you by leaving a comment below. Feel free to share it with your friends on social media.

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