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Individual & Medicare Plans
On June 24, 2019 President Trump issued Executive Order 13877, Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First. Final Rule CMS-1717-F2 will be made effective 1-1-2021.
I hope all Americans understand the value of what's taking place here.
If you eat at your favorite restaurant, buy a beverage at the coffee shop, or go grocery shopping, you have the opportunity to look at a menu, compare and shop for the best prices. This is what drives free market and makes competition such a stabilizing factor in an economy.
Not only is competition a stabilizer, it also generates accountability. Offering the consumer the ability to scrutinize a product or service automatically calls the provider to a higher standard, and lessens the potential for price gouging or other deceptive practices. Transparency shines a light where there once might have been an environment ripe for fraud and abuse.
Also, the element of creativity can thrive when it finds expression in a competitive arena. It's restored when a product or service is found to be superior, when being compared to something else. One size fits all is no longer at play; truly a beautiful thing. The old saying, "different strokes for different folks" is gratifying to all styles, income levels, and needs. There will be an uprising of health insurance plans that will cater to all, and satisfy the longing for consumers to choose from a wide variety of benefits and premiums.
Integrity among our professional health service providers will be revealed with the type of scrutiny needed under the CMS Rule 1717-F2 . If integrity isn't found in our hospitals, doctors offices, other health providers, or health related governmental agencies, than why should there be any continued reward for the system of greed and lack of transparency they current operate under? On the other hand, if integrity is found and is an integral part of a provider's current practice, they should effortlessly be rewarded by their transparency and become an attractive option for consumers.
The proposed Medicare For All plan is a breeding ground for ethical "bacteria", as was the "Affordable Care Act" an epic disaster! Health transparency and organic demand for quality services at a reasonable price, will resurrect competition and level the playing field, like never before.
I'm writing this article to bring public awareness to the positive step this piece of legislation will bring to our healthcare system. It will go a long way to replace current ineffective financial practices we as a nation have experienced in healthcare. Our current system that panders to secret prices for health services and back door deals, has gone on far too long. If this is only the first step in a healthcare revolution, there must be more excitement right around the corner!
I'd encourage you to support free market, competition, and the call for our health care providers to rise up to the highest ethical financial standard possible. This will ensure a healthy, robust, and secure healthcare system that will soar beyond what it's been in the past. It will protect the patient and ensure that YOU are not paying for everyone else's healthcare through the income taxes you pay via an inefficient and government-run system. It will ensure that you have healthy options to choose from; all the way from your insurance plan choices, premiums and the hospital you select based on fair prices and excellent quality.
So, what are your thoughts? Isn't it encouraging to know that there exists an authentic and natural way to drive down costs?
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